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Somebody pointed out at my skin and told me you ruined it (I had acne and now left with few scar) lately I have been feeling confident and so pretty, and now I feel terrible, I am just hating myself, I so badly tried to control my tears. Please never point out anyone flaw, we have been through a lot already, I have been through hell to fix my acne, I can’t do much about scars.
I feel so less confident and not pretty at all.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sabrina7
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme
4 replies

flyingpanda @flyingpanda


People project their own insecurities on others. A women always pointed at my thick thighs and i felt insecure, i looked like a stick and still i always thought that my thighs and my stomach were fat, for years. And then recently i realised that the lady herself had thick thighs and was extremely insecure. I dont blame her, i just wish people people are kinder to themselves and kinder to other people as well.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sabrina7

If I was your friend, I would have given that boy a big s!ap on his face. I hate such guys, actually anyone who start pointing anyone’s flaws like they are some sort of beauty guru or something. Dw world is filled with such buffoons, what we can do is make peace with our flaws and dont let such comments bring us down.


Beauty is from the inner self. If they feel that some physical attributes can define beauty i think it is dumb. Everyone is beautiful by themselves and it was people who defined beauty but who cares people are people just don’t worry about them. It is your body not theirs to care about. Flaws are what makes you a human and I want to say your an amazing person

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme


Heyyy, it’s hug day today. We’re sending you loads of love, hope and warm virtual hugsssss. Lot’s of strength your way🧑πŸ₯°πŸ«‚ PS: You are beautiful


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