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3am ThoughtsThought


Some time I feel like empty roads fill that loneliness …and yes it also do… bt what if uh are stuck in the middle of the road…!? The moment you thing life is in control …
Life whisper not yet …
Nd guma fira Kar vahi do raste par khada Kare deti hai …
The 1 is you don’t want to go Nd another is close due to some reason…

7 replies

Been here, an awful place to be in, every day waking up is a struggle. You start feeling physical block to move your legs to get things done.

How do I find my way out? (I am on a path to the way out)
curb the mental block as the thing that you want to do,
and the path you don’t want to go down… think about what happens if u change your path to save yourself for now, in the future closed path (the one you want) may open up, once you get stronger.
Focus on making yourself stronger. Only then you can break the barricades.

Amit Sahu @samit

Absolutely agreed with your thought. But the thing is I’ve been alone for quite a long time.
Here being alone doesn’t mean there is no one around me but I don’t feel like sharing my thoughts to them…
I don’t have group of friends but I have one - however at times I don’t even feel like sharing something or the other…

So, with the time being I’ve adapted the nature of being alone. I might sound like I am confused - but I’m not or may be yes!! I don’t know…

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