So, Yesterday my viva sucked. My examiner laughed at me because I wasn’t able to recall info and answer her.
And a very close cousin of mine is leaving for her home tomorrow. She has her family and job to care of, but she was like this very mature and balanced person I have ever met in a family of immature imbecile relatives. I will miss her. She listened to my problems as if she was my real sister and provided me with mature advice when even my real sister didn’t. She was here to take care of me. I will surely miss her. She treated me like a person who has views and thought of her own, listened to my love for certain topics, and helped me when my mom got sick. I am really grateful for her. I can not talk to my own sister like I did with her, without having the fear of being judged. But I guess, in the end, everyone leaves. It’s just you and only you.