Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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So, yeah just anxious random wave of thoughts hitted me which I was avoiding. It’s you know strange like I don’t talk bad about my body or hate myself like I do it. I love myself my body but it’s not working. Why do I have to be so sad and get misunderstood. Like I feel I am very far from happiness I’ve smiled fake for a long time that I don’t know how to do it on reality. I am not same this world is fucking cruel and bad. It’s okay if you don’t give me an advice I just wanted to let things out I was filled up and I will get busy to forget this.

1 reply

everything will be ok, I’m glad you let it out, and I hope you feel better. I get what you mean, it’s like you’ve got a mask on that you don’t know how to take off. But I know you’ll get there. Sometimes we need to learn things a few times to get it right πŸ™ƒ


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