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3am ThoughtsThought


So, when I was young, like in school! My friends were getting Tattoos n stuff, though I never really wanted to get one, I liked the idea of being in groove of what was happening. We were a big gang and a few of us decided that we’ll draw something cool and pretend they were Tattoos n stuff.
My school was super conservative n all and my teachers were, I don’t know from the 1800s I guess.
It so happened that got caught when I was trying to darken my pretend Tattoo with a black pen, I sit my the window, so it was an easier view.
I was made to call my parents the same day snd got suspended for 2 days. I dint rat out my friends when interrogated, I just lied by saying I liked Tattoos.

My family is also conservative, that night after I got belted . I slept with alot of pain from all that beatings, I woke up cause I was hungry, and heard my parents telling each other that I am on drugs 😅 of course they thought I was asleep.

I’m 29, and to this day, iv not even seen how drugs look like. Well on Google, sure. But no live experience.
My parents still think I’m some whore n slut or I don’t know, some addict… ?
But no, I’m earning tons of money n actually pretty smart.
For some reason, I don’t wanna break their perception.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ceberus
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @ceberus

Signed Out @ceberus

Something similar happened to me back then😆, so i brought a candy and it looks like a cigarette, i put it in my mouth and acting like it was a real cigarette. I went back home and then my whole family was in the living room watching movie, after i went in they all looked at me and then my Uncle run to me and took the candy and my whole family was like “Andrew what are you doing?!!! Cigarette is bad for your health!!” my uncle crushed it and realize that it was just a candy he yelled at me and said “It was just a candy the whole fcking time?!!” i kept on laughing at them until i started coughing cause their reactions was priceless 💀


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