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Profile picture for Now&Me member @mohit2022

MOHIT VERMA @mohit2022

So what is everyone’s plan for Sunday? 👀👀👀

Profile picture for Now&Me member @el_gato_16
Profile picture for Now&Me member @mohit2022
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @mohit2022

MOHIT VERMA @mohit2022

That’s great

Profile picture for Now&Me member @el_gato_16

definitely @el_gato_16

Trying to finish the drama “A life of the married couple”

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mohit2022

MOHIT VERMA @mohit2022

Oh everyone talk about k drama i think i need to watch

Profile picture for Now&Me member @el_gato_16

definitely @el_gato_16

Pls if you’re looking for a Kdrama to watch, try that one. I’ll highly highly recommend it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mohit2022

MOHIT VERMA @mohit2022

Can we talk about it in pvt


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