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Anger IssuesThought


So today my gf was taking other guys no. At college and there is this another guy that likes her and she talked with him in call but wasn’t taking my calls what should I do.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kalllejfnajw2
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nitesh_s
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kalllejfnajw2

You should talk to your gf and clear things first maybe you are overthinking.


Calling and talking to some other guy is not a problem as such if both of you have trust on eachother, but if she is ignoring you completely and talking to someone else then thats wrong when she is your girlfriend, talk to her and tell her how you felt, listen to what response she gives, then you will know what to do…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nitesh_s

nitesh singh @nitesh_s

Just make it clear. Don’t think unnecessary. Talk to her and know what is in her mind…

ayushman @ayushman

She took the boys insta I’d and when I said why she said she wants to make friends .


Seh took there insta I’d and said to me that she was making friends . She literally did go up to tham and took there insta id


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