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Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreya0208

Black widow @shreya0208

So today I went to an ngo…for the first time. I taught poor kids. Tbh I joined ngo for a selfish reason. But when I went there and taught them, I realised how much privileged we are that we are getting everything. Those kids didn’t have a pencil box to keep stuffs. They didn’t have proper bags. I think we all should do something for these kids. Maybe if someone is earning good, then finance some poor kid’s education. I think I am gonna do it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rejoicelife01
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreya0208
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @rejoicelife01

Black sea @rejoicelife01

Hey more power to you, you are doing wonderful work
Would love to know more about it


Proud of you for doing this!
Keep it up! ✌️


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