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So this is a pretty awkward thing to write about, but over the past week my dumbass has started having romantic thoughts about one of my teachers. I don’t want to fall for him since we could never date, nor would he want to even if it was legal. I subconsciously think about him and am starting to have nervous and anxious tendencies around him. But, I don’t want to fall in love since it would make my life so much more complicated and stressful then it already is. I just honestly don’t know how I should go about this or prevent this from happening.

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Renata @renataismyname

I went through something similar. I started fantasizing about a teacher. Turns out, we actually ended up going out (I’m in Uni, it was completely legal). Honestly, it was not worth it. Too much emotional distress. I think as long as you keep grounded on the fact that it will not and cannot happen, there is nothing wrong with “falling in love” with someone. Yet, I believe is so much more than that, so I’d rather call them “crushes”. But, yes, if you can think of your teacher as I thought of Ash from Pokémon, no harm done.


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