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So thing is what is more important … master in one area… Or having knowledge of so many things … sometimes i find myself in middle of nowhere.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratik180694
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratik180694

Pratik @pratik180694

I believe knowledge of many things will take you to places where mastery in one cannot.

Simple math,
There’s a finish line and the goal is to reach there in one or the other way.

If you know cycling, if you know riding a bike, if you riding a car, if you know swimming, if you know may be flying a plane. Chances are high that you’ll reach the finish line somehow.

The counter scenario,
You are the world MotoGP champion, the only way you would try to reach is through your bike. What if that bike fails? Chances are high that you’ll probably not reach the finish line.

It’s just a personal opinion which I believe for myself! Hope this helps you in someway!

Cheers 🥂😇


Yes while reading ur line…i know cycle or bike or car or plane … Some where my heart told me I want to know all of this…so somehow it helped

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pratik180694

Pratik @pratik180694

I’m glad it helped and don’t let anyone tell you it’s wrong. It’s your life, the only one life. You take the charge and lead. All the best. Hope to see you around may be scuba diving in deep ocean. 😉😇


Yes may be …see you around ☺️😋


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