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So… there’s this guy I’ve been in love with…he does love me too…but he had feelings for a girl before I met him…she loves him… she’s crazy about him… he’s impressed with her…one day she proposed and he accepted… he’s my bestfriend and I am his…he says he’s stuck…nd everytime I see their pictures together, it breaks my heart…I can’t stop this feeling… what do I do?

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Idk why this is making me aggressive (•ˋ _ ˊ•) . Ask him to settle down with one… Feelings aren’t jokes,


I dont think you should be in such a situation… dont put yourself in that situation… If he wanted yu, you would be together now. He may say he is stuck… but not really. There is nothing to be stuck in this situation… he accepted her proposal so clearly he loves her… So save yourself a heartbreak and also you dont deserve a guy who wants to choose between 2 girls nd says he is stuck. You deserve someone who will choose you first without a second thought… and you will definitely find someone… i know this will be hard for yu to move away… but thats the best option for yu… and even if he comes back just don’t accept him… he chose someone else the first time. He’ll do it again if he thinks he has found someone better… you dont deserve to put yourself through that… be strong… you are strong and beautiful…!


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