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3am ThoughtsThought


So there’s this boy I feel in love with about a year ago. He is one person I can’t be with. We talk everyday. Like he is the best thing in my life and I couldn’t ask for anything else.
But it’s like am afraid of what if he walks away from my life? What will I do??? Its like the whole day I talk to him from good morning to goodnight. I cry with him I laugh with him. I don’t talk to anyone else . It’s like I don’t need anyone elseee. Everyone tells me that being with him like this is just gonna hurt me. It will be like breaking up with someone you never dated. But I dont seem to understand it the only thing I know is that I love him so much that even if he is with someone else I dont have a problem with it. And that am happy with just having him in my life talking to him everyday . My day is incomplete without him. He understands me like no one else doesss. I can tell him everything without feeling judged but that fear never goes away that he can leave me he can go from my life although i know that he is not a kind of person who just walk away like thattt… I don’t know what should i do??? Should I distance myself???

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreya0208
13 replies

you are spending good time then no need to worry about anything. Be happy in your present. कल का कल देखेंगे।


Does he have a gf?




You should confess your feelings to him then . Also its kinda deally bad that you relu only on him and no one else.


I can’t what if he walks away I can’t let that happen… I know its bad but then there’s no one who gets me like he does not even a single person…it’s like if he is there i dont need anyone… and if he goes I’ll be all alone there won’t be a single soul to talk to


Youve become over dependent on him. I can understand why you say that. Ive been in a similar position too.


Ya i know but there’s nothing i can do now


Hey, I understand what you are going through. The point is does he know that you love him? Cause if he doesn’t then you shouldn’t judge that he would walk away. Maybe after you tell him your situation, he might understand, as you said you share a good bond with him. Second thing is that if it makes you happy, doesn’t mean its going to be good for you in long terms. Love is beautiful feeling, one sided love is also special its on how you handle it, either it moves you inspires you to love yourself, love this life and keep growing or it destroys you. It depends on what you choose. If you distance yourself from him without telling him the reason, it would be really unfair on his part. So don’t let the fear of something take away an opportunity you could have today.


Yess thankyou:)))

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shreya0208

Black widow @shreya0208

I would say…ask him…if he likes you it will be clear… otherwise be friends


I agree with the longer post. We are all beautiful souls on our own journey and we have to respect each souls journey. If you are open and honest with him and he is with you that is beautiful and I’m so glad you are currently living in happiness. Just a small note, Our world will match what we think of it whether those thoughts are positive, negative, beautiful, ugly, or thoughts in fear. I would recommend looking into the mirror right into your eyes and speak to yourself. Acknowledge this fear and talk to that part of you that if feeling that fear and let yourself know it’s okay. You are exactly where you are supposed to be to learn the lessons this experience is here to teach you. No matter what happens whether you are together until the end of your days or just now. Revel in the happiness you share and let your souls do what they will together and cherish the moment each and every one you have.


Tysm for your advice


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