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Profile picture for Now&Me member @ean_cruz9

Ean Cruz @ean_cruz9

So there is this girl we’ll just call her Anne. So I like Anne and want to be with her and we have been going in circles. I tell her almost everyday that I want to be with her. Every time I try and have a conversation with her about us she leaves mid conversation and just says hi the next day. People say that she just wants my attention but doesn’t want to be with me. I like her and want to be with her. She told me this morning that she can’t be with me because of the kind of person she is and she feels like she wouldn’t be good for me. I don’t believe that because I think that she is a good person. That’s what I told her and she hasn’t responded yet. What do I do?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ean_cruz9
10 replies

kartik @cannon

Why dont you guys understand when shes telling you transparently that she doesnt want to be with you and will not have a fake relationship with you which will eventually hurt you.

Shes being honest with you, please move on.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ean_cruz9

Ean Cruz @ean_cruz9

Yea I guess I could do that

Kali @wandergoldfinch

When someone tells you what kind of person they are, what they want, or how they feel there is only one thing you need to do. Believe them.

She is doing you, and herself, a kindness by telling you point blank that a relationship isn’t a good idea. Believe her. Decide not to waste your time, effort, and heart on a lost cause. Pursue a worthy partner who also recognizes you as a worthy pursuit. Life will be much sweeter when you do.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ean_cruz9

Ean Cruz @ean_cruz9

But I like her so much and want to be with her and now that I see it In that way I’ll tell her that I understand

kartik @cannon

What if a giel loves u alot but u dont love her, would you change ur mind and fall in love with her? No rigjt? Pls do urself a favour and forget her

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ean_cruz9

Ean Cruz @ean_cruz9

I will

Abheet Jain @be_you

Don’t go by the words. Anne meant something else when she said she is not the right fit.

In my opinion she is not feeling the same way as you or else she is confused. As a result she won’t be doing any justice to you or reciprocate love and care in a similar manner as you might expect (this is what she thinks I believe). And hence the words “I am not the right fit”.

Try to be the friends that you were, by respecting her choice and allow some time. If there is a possibility of Anne being confused she will start feeling that void when you are not around.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ean_cruz9

Ean Cruz @ean_cruz9

So I have to let her go and move on?

Abheet Jain @be_you

Yes for the time being atleast.

Don’t stop being a good friend though.

But if that hurts you and takes a toll on your emotional well being (by being around her and thinking about it again and again) you might want to avoid that.

Taking care of yourself should be above everything else.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ean_cruz9

Ean Cruz @ean_cruz9

ok thank you


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