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So there is this girl, our friendship started in covid and we used to talk mostly on WhatsApp… 2 years later we had a fight, I spoke really rudely to her and our friendship broke that day and after that, I had no expectation of getting this friendship back. But after a few months I got a call from her, she apologized and wanted to be friends again.

I’m confused about why!! she still wanted to be friends with me even after I hurt her self-respect???

Profile picture for Now&Me member @landofblues
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @landofblues

Land of Blues @landofblues

Maybe she is here, cos he remembered the good days. There was a time when you cared, and that was not fake.

Today maybe she wants that. Talk to her, understand her. Bad can be forgotten, if good is real enough😊


yeah we are friends now


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