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3am ThoughtsThought

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So there is this girl in my class that touches me a lot. She had touched my behind 3 times and she had grabbed my chest 2 times. She had made me feel very weird. I told an adult but they didn’t do anything about it. I tried to tell someone else about it and she said what I had to say wasn’t important. I’m on the verge of crying. I just feel like I should shut up and deal with the consequences.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @strawberryfrog
Profile picture for Now&Me member @acethedyke
7 replies

So, what’s really the problem

Profile picture for Now&Me member @acethedyke

Ace @acethedyke

Im a girl…and its uncomfy and i have a gf



Profile picture for Now&Me member @acethedyke

Ace @acethedyke



Just be yourself, give her one last warning, if she tries it again, do what comes to your mind but don’t hurt anyone


It’s wrong… This is sexual harassment…u should complain to teachers about that…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @strawberryfrog

strawberry @strawberryfrog

thats shitty, dont shut up say something about it…and its the fact you have a gf too. have you told her that!!!


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