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Anonymous @randomninja

So there is this girl, I met her through a project. Initially I was not at all interested in her in any way, but with time as I came to know what a gem of a person she is, I started feeling for her. I tried to suppress my feelings as I really didn’t wanted to go through that phase but as we spend a lot time together and talked almost everyday for a month and half my feelings for her started getting intense. She also used to spend a lot of time with me and I thought that we have something, so I thought this is time I should confess her. So I prepared a cute lil card and then confessed her, she said it was sweet and all but she didn’t feel the same way as I do. It was her dicision and I respect that, but I can’t help thinking about her all the time. We still spend time together and I feel great around her. I gave my best, I did almost everything for her and still she don’t want me. As I said I respect her dicision and I know she don’t owe me anything, I did everything for her by myself and will do it in future also. But I just really feel bad and I am not able to let go of all these feelings for her. I don’t know what to do…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ape
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ape

Abhyanshu @ape

It’s nice that you respect her decision but still trying to force her to be with you is not a good idea at all. If you continue this she might stop talking to you and you will loose her forever.

Anonymous @randomninja

I am not at all trying to force her to be with me as I don’t want to hurt her in anyway but it’s just I don’t want to feel this way, that’s it.


It’s been more than 3 months now.


I really don’t know how to explain that but I’ll try. First thing first, she is really nice to people and actually care for them. She has a postive energy and when I around her I feel great. The way she talks, those cute lil gestures, her laugh, her point of view of life, her supporting nature, the list goes on. It’s just I never left like this for someone.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ape

Abhyanshu @ape

You have only two ways
First is let it as it is
Second let her go


I know how it feels. Continue trying to be nice and who knows she ll change her decision looking at ur merits. So try to maintain


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