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So there is this co-worker, known her for 2 years already and we just have the best connection ever. I never had someone who understood me as well as she does, she makes me very happy and safe. Thing is I’m not a lesbian nor Bi. I don’t find any girls attractive nor do I see myself dating a girl but then this connection confuses me. Regardless I wouldn’t ever make a move since she is in a long term relationship but there has been some flirting from her side, and she to is conflicted with how strong this connection is, so we have decided to stop talking out of respect to her significant other . But has anyone else had this happened to them ? I am certain that I will never feel this way towards another female, I guess she was just the exception?

3 replies

It hasn’t really happened to me, but honestly, it is understandable. Like, sometimes the attraction can be that strong. And society brings us up a certain way, to dictate our sexuality, who we should or should not like. If we weren’t told maybe we wouldn’t have held ourselves back. So, even if it is just a one-time thing, doesn’t mean it isn’t real, or that you have to decide whether you’re bi or lesbian. Think about the labels later. Right now, there’s someone you like, who happens to be the same gender as you, that’s all, it’s that simple :)))


Thank you, and right … just enjoy the present.


Oh yes! Go for it, maybe it doesn’t work out, but at least no regrets~!


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