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3am ThoughtsThought


So the weirdest thing happened.
Last night i had a dream about some cats and dogs fighting. The morning afterwards, i was watering my plants and saw a cat. She was meowing, looking for food. I offered it some milk.
Now this is a very big conincidence! Or am i just reading into it. Does anyone believe about dreams and their meaning?

2 replies

Dartmouth @mortalzar

Dr Freud says so…

It is believed that dreams are basically projection by our subconscious mind…

If u are curious to find answer…I would recommend to have read a book of Sigmund Freud about dreams…

Carl Jung deeply talks about dreams…and it’s correlation…
Watch some videos releted to the idea of dreams and subconscious mind on YouTube…it’s related to psychology and nothing pseudoscience…


I thought the dreams become true because one dream can change everything in your life when it will success


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