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So the thing is, everytime i see a couple being happy and all clumsy i just get jealous… like, not in the way of hating them for being happy, but more in the way of “why can’t i be like that with someone i like?”… during this whole year i had a few crushes, but everytime i tried to aproach them i just failed, i simply suck at this thing of trying to attract someone. Now i can’t even remember when was the last time that i got intimate with someone else, and i have reached to a point where it just makes me sad…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @drishtigupta
7 replies

Gurjeevan @gurjeevan

I completely feel you. You know sometimes its okay if things don’t work or are not as it is of others because there’s something much better than that coming your way. And you don’t need to attract anyone never ever. People will like you and come into your life because of just the way you are.


Thanks for the reminder Gurjee… I know the old saying “Good things make themselves wait.”, but to be honest i feel like i been waiting for kinda too long rigth now… maybe i need to start training my paitience


felt that feeling ? and like, it’s cuffing season too…not sayin i’d like someone to cuddl with but sure is a nice thought ://// but also, i don’t you’re supposd to b attrcaing somebody like a magnet (hope not) i think its just happens on it’s own


Heyy, good to know i’m not on my own on this trash haha… let’s hope it is like that and try to keep up with our life. stay strong anon… we’ll get trough this ❤️ all of us



Profile picture for Now&Me member @drishtigupta

Drishti Gupta @drishtigupt...

You don’t need to try and attract someone. The right person and things will automatically attract towards you, based on energy and vibe. The best of the things will happen when you’re not even expecting


Hi Drishti, i want to believe it is like that… i’ve been feeling so much freaking preassure lately (socially speaking) because of this stupid thinking of not knowing how to talk with someone to make things work out… i feel like i need a freaking break from everything


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