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So sometimes I have a problem where I try to speak and I can’t. I stutter, mix my words up, and slur them together. I’m not sure if I have a speech impediment, or if it’s just a normal thing to go through. I’ve always been told that I talk really fast, sometimes too fast, but I never had a problem with stuttering. Until now, that is. There are some words I avoid completely because I am unable to pronounce them correctly. I want to tell my mum, but she’ll most likely get mad at me. I’m sure that just me occasionally being unable to pronounce things or say full sentences correctly annoys her greatly. She gets easily annoyed at any speech impediment and even yelled at me once for stuttering when I was talking. I have such a hard time speaking that sometimes I say things that don’t even make sense. I would say things that most people say jokingly, only I say it accidentally. Like, “I need to plant my waters.” Which is funny, of course, I laugh at myself too, but when I say it, I’m not doing it on purpose. I used to mix front letter up, like saying Backer Crarrel instead of Cracker Barrel that it’s somewhat of a running joke I have and I don’t even do it on purpose. I’m really trying to stop. It’s like my mouth doesn’t move right when I try to say ‘m’ words or ‘s’ words. If there’s a word that has ‘th’ then I’ll say it either as an ‘f’ or a ‘v’. I say things like, “fank you,” “somefing,” and “feres.” What is going on with me? And how can I potentially get help without my mum getting mad at me. I’ve got somewhat of a distinct Scouse/Yorkshire dialect that could be one of the causes… I don’t know what to do.

2 replies

hey it’s okay, my mum has stammering problem too, she’s considering going to a therapist. but first id suggest you to practice mindful talking. this article might help:


Bro trust me I do had a same problem, people use to suffer a lot but my friends never did a comment on it instead they use to tell me that we can’t understand speak a little slow , based on their feedback I tried in same way now I can speak clearly perfectly and everyone understands me in perfect way
Take everything positive and try to work on it.


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