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So please tell me what is this? Ig I am an antisocial person now and na I also distanced myself from everyone and this online friend of mine too But I feel bad sometimes what if I will not be same anymore to him and he will not be there for me like before when I will be back? and another thing is he is talkative so talks to many people and why? I feel bad when I see he is getting closer to any other person? Though I got disturbed a lot by him but still, I dont want to lose. And It’s not even him it happens with me for the people with I talk to when they found someone else to talk to I am nothing to them. I will be left alone. But this was just online friend not irl, I feel really bad feeling this… I am happy about new friends of them but I get left behind then. Can’t I have someone constant?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lowkeykk
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @lowkeykk

See it’s normal that people do change but the thing is what Changes people sometimes it’s a person or an incident others as well so if you are willing to keep this online friend of yours do drop a text on random days talk about stuffs your experiences or anything , do make new friends but if you have a soft corner for this person never make him feel to be left out.


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