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so my dad called me names again which is not new I guess. it haunts me now. maybe because I am starting to feel like it maybe is true. i am useless. I cant seem to do anything other than clean the house. i wanna do something great with all that talk about strong women I am beginning to think that maybe I am a useless house lady who cant be anyone. my own thoughts are dragging me under I feel pointless and just plain useless. i need a good job but it seems impossible in pandemic. companies are not hiring freshers. i just wanna feel useful again.

3 replies

Hey there, first off, other peoples words do not define you. What your dad says about you and the names he calls you are not who you are. It sounds like there is a part of you that doesn’t or didn’t agree with him to start with, just because he says things over and over doesn’t mean that you should believe them. You decide your value. You already sound like a strong person with having to put up with all of this name-calling. I think we are always presented with this idea of the strong woman, the working woman who can do a million jobs and can run a household and can look after 5 children whilst also maintaining perfect health etc. The standard has become so high and difficult to achieve, but not being that person doesn’t make you any less important. For context, I was someone who massively bought into toxic productivity, and I now suffer from a condition where I can barely shower or make food for myself. But my worth isn’t in what I achieve, or what job I have, or how productive I am being with my time. Your worth isn’t defined by your ‘usefulness’. You are worthy because you exist. You are already strong. You are important. Please take some time to remember these things about yourself. Believe in yourself. I believe in you. You’ve got this <3 Sending you love right now <3


thank you


For your dad you are precious. He will call you by names even if you get a job. And instead of taking this pandemic reason for all your problem take it as a time to become better and aim higher. Take online courses and work upon yourself. Success takes time and hardwork. And even if you are cleaning house you are helping your mother.


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