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So my bf and i are together from last 4 years and whenever we fight over something he never calls me and never msg me himself untill i call n msg even if its a month or 2 but when i call he pick and talk normally like nothing happened everytime it’s like i told him so many times that don’t you fear losing me man and he is like i don’t have ans i am selfish i am so tired of begging for importance and love it hurts like hell my family is not that close with me i don’t talk fo them about anything we just fight i don’t have friends like i literally have no one to call when i wanna talk or need help and i feel so stuck…

5 replies

Sisyphus @sisyphus

You have to talk it out. Ego is one thing that ruins relationships.

kashyap @vaishnavi56

Leave that relationship right now and focus on yourself girl there are lot’s of better things waiting for you just go …


Well, the one who is not afarid to lose you, is the one who never loved you. And gng months wdhout talking clearly shows he isn’t interested in you


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