Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Tale @misstale

So many thoughts, I also cried a lot today. I want to get well. I also want to go to school. I feel trapped here. When will they recover? When will I recover? If I have one wish now, it’s for my eyes to heal. Too much pain right now huh.

4 replies

Krishna @krishu_01

A warm hug to you buddy i know you are not feeling well but it’s okay 😌 not to feel well all the time you are strong enough to deal with this situation… i Believe you,you will overcome this situation…

Tale @misstale

Thank you so much. I appreciate it. 🤗

Krishna @krishu_01

I respect your opinion but dude you are a human how can you do that, negative is not bad they are teaching we can’t remove them if we can we gonna learn anything 👀


Take care… Think in positive way… You will be in positive


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