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So life’s been pretty weird for the past two years and seems like everything is working against me. I took a chance and dropped for something I’ve always wanted to do but nobody really has faith in me and this is somehow acting as a great source of anxiety for me. Don’t know why but I procrastinate alot these days. I’ve gained weight and now I feel conscious. Any suggestions so that I can be more productive and avoid what I am going through?

4 replies

Have you got faith in what you’re doing?

I hear the impact of nobody really having faith in you impacts your anxiety.
That you’re procrastinating more, have gained weight and you’re feeling more conscious.

It sounds like you’re procrastinating because it automatically means you cannot fail, no one can point the finger at you and say “told ya so”.
I think the “how to be more productive” is more connected with you being faithful in yourself, and believing in what you want to achieve. You might fail, you might not.
Wouldn’t you rather live a life where you tried out your dreams rather than doing what other people tell you is ‘safe’.


The point is that I’ve failed before and somehow that is making me doubt myself.
Many ‘what if’ bother me and lessen my productivity


What’s your relationship with “failing” like?
I hear it makes you doubt yourself, have you tried to view it from an different angle?

Failing is a part of life, and we usually learn our biggest lessons from it.
It doesn’t feel nice to fail, I agree. But we can’t go through life without falling down every now and then.
You doubt yourself and play “what if” scenarios in your head.
That’s understandable.
Doing something that is outside your comfort zone is brave. Something to be proud of.
Be kind to yourself and learn to allow yourself to make mistakes.
It is hard, yes. But acknowledgment is the first step into the direction of acceptance.


Those were some words of wisdom.
Thank you so much!


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