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So lately I am not able to make time for my bf and that’s becoming the major issue in our relationship…he doesn’t likes that I m getting busy and that’s leading to a lot of fights…I know I should take out time for him and I m trying but he has a opinion that whatever I m doing I should always think of him and I should not get too evolved in any other thing…so is this a serious issue or I am going wrong?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @bira13
Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @bira13

Gaganbir singh @bira13

C I agree that u should give to him but, thinking like that u should think of him only n not get involved in any other thing that is not right in a relationship both should have equality but also have sense of responsibility for a girl sometimes it is not easy to talk due to family relatives of sometimes even bcoz of friends.
Aslo eg that if u r with ur friends that is not allowed but he can go to his friends u won’t meet ur friends or what bcoz u will think of him first n he dose not like u meeting ur friends will he do the same for u.
U r not a kid if u took the decision for being with him then u could also understand that what’s wrong n what’s right u realise that u should give him time ur priority but on the other hand u r letting him control u do whatever but never give ur control in someone else’s hand
Rest u know him better that me u decide. whatever I said it still be ur choice only

Be blessed stay safe

Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker

Akash Dalal @skybroker

nah. you r going right. the person with u is not able to understand the situation and thus wants you to think all the time of him that is practically not possible. getting busy for your work is okey if he doesnt under the why you are busy probable more isuue will be lead in future. make it clear to him and tell him you have your life too understand it too and make a schedule if possible that this time i will be talking to you if you cannot give him time for your work.


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