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So I’ve been taking to this guy for a year.i call him Al for now. For 7mths we were telling each other saying i love and talked about a family and kids. He didn’t make things official becuase I had just broken up with my ex of 9yrs… then Al’s ex came back to his job. She confessed she missed him and that she wish things could be different. He mentioned that they even kissed. But it didn’t feel the same and wants me. That were not in a relationship so it doesn’t count. Now Al says that she is his best friend. When he wants his “me time” for himself they hangout. I get all upset and then he gets up set becuase I’m hounding him… should I just stay away from him. He use to be more attentive to me and included me in everything. He said he still wants me but I can’t believe him becuase I feel so betrayed. Again he states that we’re not dating so it was okay…

9 replies

THATS LITERALLY MY SITUATION RN THIS DUDE IS SAYING HE WANTS A “RELATIONSHIP” BUT WE NOT DATING Like man f this, gal you shouldn’t waste your time with him. Hes trying to hold your heart and play with it. Ik he might seem sincere but remind yourself. Like if he’s not making this an offical relationship by now he’s playing himself. You deserve way better you deserve a committed relationship! No slip ups or excuses!!!


Wow I’m so sorry you were going through too! Ugh these boys not men! It’s so messed up 😣 At this age I don’t want any games. He knew what I went through with my ex. I haven’t texted him back for a day now and I plan on keeping it that way. Thank you for your words and encouragement!! I definitely needed some advice. I hope you get through your situation too. You deserve wayy better also!


I hope everything goes well!! starting today I’m just not texting the person. Its difficult cus I think about him a lot but then I’m just like gal beee stronggg! I’m only 19 but like I just really don’t want to deal with flimsy relationships as well 😩


I agree it’s extremely rough. It will be so worth it when you do!!! We shouldn’t be an option or taking advantage of our time for their pleasure. We got this girl!!! One day at a time.

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

I definitely won’t wast any more time! Thanks ❤


All I’m gonna say, re-read what you wrote and will see so many things wrong with this guy! Screw his ass!! He is not serious with you. There is no excuse for kissing his ex, staying his “best friend” and tells u that you were not dating anyway… it might be hard, but block his ass and go enjoy life. U deserve better. U don’t need this toxicity in life.


So true!! I’m done with him no more wasting my time. Thank you ❤


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