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So I’ve been in a relationship for one year. We were so happy together for the first 4 months. Then I started getting excuses that he was busy and all. Still I understood and stuck around. I was always there for him 24/7.
I was giving my 100% for this relationship while he was giving only 40%. I felt that he was fed up with me but I stuck around no matter what. I thought he was the one but then later on we started having some disputes and I started to back off from the relationship. I had my friends to support me and they were telling me he’s not worth it. But still I was there for him, just not as usual. I stopped giving my 100 % and was a bit distant. And he didn’t notice that. I had to confront him on that issue. Then he told me that he was going to look out for this issue and he started making an effort to make me feel better. I did feel better in the beginning but then I gave up on him. I decided to break up with him when he was making an effort and I could see that he actually really loves me. But now I don’t feel the same. So I broke up with him but he’s still giving his best so that I return back to him. But I don’t know what to do. Someone please help me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wewillsee
10 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @wewillsee

regina falange @wewillsee

Don’t let anyone push you to the edge until they realise your worth. Please do whatever your heart says. Think and take action accordingly. Lots of love and power to you.❤️

VJ @vjeshna10

Thank you so much 😭
I just want to know whether I’ve taken the right decision on not

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wewillsee

regina falange @wewillsee

If you are 100% sure that you don’t feel the same for him then stick to your decision sweetie.

happy @8765

don’t think that you did anything wrong. you also have self-respect. when someone doesn’t give you time and you put in all the efforts of course after a point in time you will stop putting in the effort. Don’t worry girl, you did what you felt for you was right.

VJ @vjeshna10

Thank you for all your love ❤️

happy @8765

you deserve it girll!


It’s clear that you don’t wanna be in that relationship, So Don’t be in that relationship.

He’s making u feel guilty cause he’s making an effort.
Or you feel guilty cause he’s making efforts…

You don’t want that, so you Leave.

VJ @vjeshna10

Exactly my point. He’s not willing to understand that this relationship has now become toxic and it’s ruining my mental health. But he’s making me feel guilty everyday by telling me that he’s putting in so much effort and I’m the one leaving him


If he’s blaming u
Then just say “Fine, I Am leaving u”.

Then, Block him on everything.

Cause dragging this will take u nowhere.


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