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Profile picture for Now&Me member @glitter

Glitter @glitter

so its been soo long i havnt talked abou my feeling to anyone🤷🏻‍♀️
i was in a relationship i was soo into him that i even left everyone even though my family friends everyone for him that made me more alone although he is there but it was always like am always alone… its been a month i have been struggling mentally physicallyy am not well and my boyfriend left me he said he said he dont know anymore whether he want the relationship or not we were together for 6 year and its just been two months he went london for his studies and am here in india and now he dont want me anymore its just break my heart that how could someone who promised so much things to you just tell you they dont want you anymore just cause we have distance now we cant have sex its just breaking me soo much i dont know how to get over this its too hard for me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt
Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr
Profile picture for Now&Me member @glitter
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kushgpt

Kushagra @kushgpt

Some guys are just mean
They change there priorities with time and now you are the victim of that change

Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

Hey!! I can feel your pain!! Had faced same situation in past. Really tough to handle but you’ll have to be strong! You should start loving yourself and make some good friends with whom you can share your feelings!! First thing you should unload your heart!! Talk to someone and unload everything which is killing you inside!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @glitter

Glitter @glitter


Profile picture for Now&Me member @008sr

suraj kumar @008sr

👍 stay happy 😊


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