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so it’s been a month since i started dating my boyfriend. everything was going good. but since he stays an hour away and he’s doing engineering so it’s very difficult to miss college and meet, we kind of are in a long distance. i don’t mind doing long distance but since it’s only been a month and we are just getting to know each other, it’s getting hard for me to do this. i want to meet him. but i know it’s difficult. only calling and face timing is not enough for me in a relationship. i want to spend more time with him which looks very difficult cus the upcoming months he’s gonna be more busy. plus on text also lately his replies are getting dry. idk the energy is not the same. i don’t know what to do.

10 replies

I think u could manage time. Like meet before he’s leaving for college or make after college or even bunk a lecture or two. If he can’t do that I don’t think he’s worth it. It should be mutual right?

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Been here. UK we broke up for the same reason first few months we used to go on a lot of dates but after that I shifted to a 1hr distance. Even we didn’t make time n hence broke up. I regret a lot. Hence it’s true u can’t meet often but please somehow make time do a meet before exams a small breakfast date with a desert walk could do wonders. N video call when you feel low


yess but trust me meeting is going to be very hard for us. i will have to sacrifice this and i am ready too. but lately his energy has also been low. i feel like we’re drifting. but when i tell him that he says i’m just overthinking and everything is fine from his point of view.


UK what go give him a surperise meet even if u have to sacrifice a day do it. Go surprise and I promise neither of you will regret it.

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yes i know i’m overthinking and i should be patient but idk this feeling has been fucking my head up lately

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This thought has been deleted by the thought author

patience is the key. yes thank you so much i feel better now that i told someone about it


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