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So it happened. I had empty my heart out to him. I thought he’d acknowledge at least a tiny bit of my problems. But he’d just shut me up with another of his excuses about how difficult his life has become. He had changed so much since a last few months. It felt as if I was talking to a wall. He thought my problems were trivial. He wasn’t the person that I used to know anymore. Acted so stone cold almost as if he was disgusted by my vulnerability. He seemed so aloof and nonchalant when I was speaking to him about our communication gap. I no longer felt the warmth in his words. It just felt I was talking to another acquaintance. I couldn’t take it anymore. I could not bear to be hurt like this everyday. I felt so empty around him. He dropped me off and did not even turn around when I bid him goodbye. In the span of an afternoon everything changed so drastically. I could not help but text him and tell him about how his negligence has affected me. I broke things off with him and blocked him. I have no idea how I am gonna hold myself together after this. I can only hope that it’ll pass too.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kapil15a
5 replies

you too, huh? I don’t know why people get this way. I don’t know which experiences from their past or present provoke them to act this way. And somehow, this whole vulnerability thing just drives them even further, I have no idea what it is with these guys…I wish I knew, or if someone else who knows could tell me. But I too have accepted that that is just how some people are and that I am better off without him. Hope you too find the strength to bounce back, which in my experience is possible if you’re determined. Good luck, this too shall pass ?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kapil15a

Kapil Agrawal @kapil15a

Things are meant to be happened. The good thing about your relationship was that you come to know abt your partners priorities so early and make your move accordingly. Making a move or taking a decision in a bad relationship is the most important aspect of someone’s life and if this relationship didn’t work for you then it was not meant to be .And life is a journey with some good and bad experiences.  And the most important thing in any relationship is listening if one is not listening then there’s nothing you can do but to leave them

Anthony @anthony

the best thing you said was telling him about how he treats you…and broke it off with him…now all you do is remember your self worth and stick to it…you deserve better rather you realize it or not…a person that knows they have a welcome mat will continue to treat you as such…but the moment you show that youre not to them they realize that youre A SOMEONE with feelings and emotions who deserve to be treated with respect…and the coward moves on to find a welcome mat…but it wont be YOU anymore love.

Deepanshi @deepanshigupta0

The good thing about your relationship was that you come to know abt your partners priorities so early and make your move accordingly. Making a move or taking a decision in a bad relationship is the most important aspect of someone’s life
Stay blessed and more power to you.

Khushboo @khushboo

Hey, don’t overthink about him anymore. Don’t value those who don’t care for you. Try to move on and stay happy.


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