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So I’m missing my ex alott…it’s like I’m seeing a guy and we are in a casual relationship and we both like each other a lott…but my ex was my first love n we were serious and memories have been hitting me and I’m feeling like I’ll never feel that type of love again and he’s still waiting for me but he was narsccisit n toxic but he also had the good side and really loved me alott🥺

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_
15 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_

Wanderer @wanderer_

Hey, i am going through the same thing.

But you have to understand that he was not good for you. You may feel like you might never love like the same again and it’s okay to feel like that. But he’s not the person you loved, you loved a mirage, an idealistic person who doesn’t exist.

As for what you can do, date more people find yourself out, figure yourself out what you want what you love, and who you are

And hey we are in the same boat, we can have a conversation and keep checks on each other if that’s fine by you?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_

Wanderer @wanderer_

That’s not at all a problem, snap or insta


Hey @northstar saw your replies on a few posts
Would love to connect…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wanderer_

Wanderer @wanderer_

My insta
Feel free to drop by,
Sorry for the late reply


Hey thank you soo much I guess you are right I should let go of the could haves and should haves and focus on future


Hahahha sorry about that 🙈…yes crying is a part of it, and u do come out stronger but there come moments of weakness where all ur efforts seems vain but gotta keep moving forward 🥺


Yes I can totally relate with you! Good we are on the right track, would just ask how do u deal with the feeling that u pictured an entire future with them and if you would ever feel that kinda love again and how they cross ur mind everytime something happens and they aren’t there anymore to share with them


Yea that’s what handling all of this alone is becoming horrible. Yes I’m trying to focus on career finding a job just feels stuck, feels hard letting go of the trauma and feels like I’m reliving those toxic phases again I try to move on think abt me but this crazy mind just slides back to zero…hush guess that’s how life is and we have to go through the pain


Yes you’re right I cannot be low all the time and expect good things to happen…I guess I just need to buckle up! 🥺




@sanjain I mailed you, hope you’ve received it.


Well hello there i must say that right now you are going through a lot but i guess the main solution of your problem is communication with your current partner , see if your ex is that toxic i dont think he can be changed every person has 2 sides as you stated that how toxic he is but he still loves you but practically that thing we cannont solve but yeah you can always find out whether you are currently in a good relationship or not if you like this guy which you do than just talk to him tell him about how you feel what do you want and i m sure u will get answers . Feel free to ping me if you have any questions 🤞🤞


Yes I really love this guy and so does he and he wants to take it forward too but I know I won’t be able to be vulnerable to him and be a good partner to him and even he is understanding about that he knows abt my past just the memories keep haunting me and my ex was really was the one for me it’s getting hard to let go


Sweetie his is your ex for a reason, forget the person move on. When u can love a wrong person so much imagine loving the right guy.
Memories come but what good are they doing to you now. Go out meet new people the guy you are in a relation rite now concentrate on him give him all the love u can and have a good life ahead.

Theres no point wasting your precious energy on a person who is not in your life rite now.


Well yes I guess u are right I should focus my energies on my present


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