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So I’m in a relationship with this guy it’s been 1.4 we are together… We both love each other really very much yeah we do fight sometimes and get back as well he is a really nice guy… But the thing is I feel like keeping our relationship private like everyone knows about it in our contacts but i don’t feel like posting photos and all from each day whenever we meet and he is like post story and take a snap and all… I too used to love to show my relationship on social media but now I feel that it should be private instead of showing everyone coz my frnds they never post a story or a snap together everyone knows about them… What are your thoughts ppl?

13 replies

If you dont feel like sharing, dont do it. Its okay for you to not post on SM about your relationship


Yeah but how should I tell him I told him earlier but then we had a fight on that…


Let me be a bit honest with you. Its not rocket science for people to figure out that some ppl prefer to keep their lives to themselves. You have been in relationship close to 16 months, thats a long time for him to understand you and your preferences. Why does he feel the need for you to post on SM? Its not a secret relationship anyway, right, just a private one . He should be okay with this.


Ikr but I’m not able to make him understand… Like he thinks that i don’t wantit to show to my frnds but they all know about us literally my whole social media contact knows but he is like post and if I didn’t then he posts and tell me to add and if I add it on close friends then we argue abt on it


Honestly he is being controlling now. I think he wants you to somehow publically accept your relationship status which i feel is stupid. Is he bit more controlling than this ?


Nope but he feels like showing our relationship on SM to everyone…tbh he is way more mature than me and also made me grow while being with him but sometimes I think he doesn’t have relationship maturity


I dont think he is mature if he constantly feels the need to validate this relationship on SM. If youre okay with the rest of him, this is something you wouldve to adjust with if you want to continue being with him. Perhaps posting on Social media once will give him the assurance he feels from you. I dont advocate for it , but treat this as something you can do for him . Sometimes being in relationship also means to do things which does not go well with our personalities but we still do it to make our partners happy. At the end it should be your call whether to post on SM or not. Just make an informed decision and dont regret it.


Yes thank you


Your age? If you don’t mind….


We both are 20


Then just chill, things will get better with time


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