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So I’m in a relationship with someone…but the thing is I like to spend time with someone else and I think there’s a chance that I like him too…but I’m so confused and I feel like shit and I feel so guilty am so confused someone please help me idk what to do??and its like I am unable to tell my boyfriend about this …its been so long that I’m scared to leave him…please help

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lowlyforager69 @lowlyforag...


Its okay to catch feelings for someone
Whilst you’re in a relationship with someone else.
Maybe subconsciously your current boyfriend doesn’t fit the description of a guy you want to be with and you are not even aware of it whereas the other one does
Also you wouldn’t be feeling such a thing if you were content and actually happy with the current one.
And one thing relationships that involve ball and chain are not a relationship, it is actually a prision.
So if you feel like you are in such a relationship,
Get out!


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