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So im here again haha, im crying rn because all i wanted was getting in the school that i want and taking the course i want but here i am being enrolled in school i never wanted. Im so jealous of my friends / colleagues rn because they’re going to their dream school and applying the course they want. All I wish rn is to have what they have rn. I know i didnt passed my college entrance exam but i did my best. Rn my parents are telling me to get another course but i dont want to give up my dream to become a doctor. Fuuuuckkk everyone. Im so tired already. I just want to sleep forever! I wanna rest for the rest of my life. I wanna die peacefully. I hope this is the last time I’ll write here because im done with my life. God please, im tired already, i wanna rest now.

3 replies

Hi there, what about considering taking a drop year? Is that an option for you? If becoming a doctor is your dream, then another course wouldn’t make you happy. What about another college for medicine, maybe that could be nice?
I am sorry that you’re going through this. Your parents are probably just trying to help you out by giving their opinion, please do not feel pressurized by anyone. This is your decision and no one can take that away from you!


Hi im considering a drop year but my parents wouldn’t let me. LOL fuckkk my life


Oh no! If a gap year is okay with you then please do try to explain them your points and reassure them that you’ll put in all your efforts this year to clear the exam next year…


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