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So idk why I’m feeling like this
So the thing is I’m a relationship it’s been 1 n 2 months we are really happy with each other but the thing is my ex ( he cheated ) he is with me in clg in same clg with the girl he cheated ( she was knowing we were dating bt anyways things happened) but now whenever I go to clg and see my ex or his gf my heart beat increases all of a sudden like idk why this happened I’m over him literally when I got to know he was cheating but this just happens every time … Is this normal to feel like this and why do i feel like this… And yes I’m very much happy with my current partner!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aprajita09
14 replies
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Thank you so much for this word🥺


Shall I tell this to my bf? I’ve not told him yet… I think he might over thing… I’m scared

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About this feeling when I I see my ex

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Yes we both have clearly told each other about our past…

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Thank you!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aprajita09

aprajita @aprajita09

Of course it’s normal.You had a relationship with a person you can get over with the feelings but not the impression such incidences leave on one’s mind .Just try to deal it like a normal thing it’s okay.the more you think about this more affected you will be.let it go


Thank you 🥺

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aprajita09

aprajita @aprajita09

Aaaw dear,dnt be sad…its just a matter of time dnt think about it much.stay happy.


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