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Anger IssuesThought


So I was in a situationship with my best friend a year ago but things didnt work out between us and we moved on being just friends. It was a bit more of a task for me as i had developed feelings for him. I started dating someone new, things got better but then when i broke up he wanted to have a fwb. I said no as i already had feelings it would be tough for me.

Now, I hosted my birthday party and there he liked one of my friends. I am very uncomfortable with it and i told him that my friends are off limits. He never approached her but this thing that he wants to talk to my friend and mentioned it about a gazzillion times in front of me made me very angry. I am literally bursting with anger. He knows i had feelings for him, why is he doing this?
Am I over reacting?

1 reply

I think just a little bit, I think you should talk to him about the whole situation, talk about why you don’t want him near your friends since he likes one of them. Hope this helps at least a little bit.😊


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