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So I started talkin to a guy a few months back,he is younger than me but his outlook towards life and his maturity impressed me…we kind of started talking on a daily basis…if we didn’t start the conversation with a HI or smthg,we would send each other memes,but yesterday he tried to prank me…and somehow I got really irritated that I saud few things to him like,he was ‘annoying,ridiculous, unbelievable,irritating’…

And now…I think he is ignoring me and I dont feel so good about it…just to confirm if he was really ignoring me…I sent him few memes…and he just totally ignored it…

I know I was wrong in saying somethings…but what should I do now ?

5 replies

Simply Apologize.
A sweet apology is enough to melt a guy’s anger.


a simple genuine sorry goes a long way.
often we say things we don’t mean and ten we pretend it’s ok. but we forget we all are sensitive especially to outburst so why not start with a sorry and then make him understand what you did not like. if things don’t workout even after that, you know at least you tried . There is no point being in guilt.


Yeah…I also thought so…but idk…smthg tells me I should wait for sometime before I apologize… Or will it be too late by then ?

Sanket @sanket

If he is not working then trust me his vision or to be precise everyone’s vision changes after starting to work so if you guys are not then getting impressed with such things is too foolish and childish.


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