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so i met this guy on bumble and he immediately was initiating sexual conversations and he knew i wanted something serious not short term or casual

he doesn’t really know me and didn’t really put in alot of effort to either, plus he told me he wished i wanted something casual and he said he wasn’t ready for anything serious and so i was like if it’s not gonna be long term let’s just be friends lol. so then we still talked but it was just friendly convos

so we talked for like 4 months just friendly and THEN he met another girl on a mini vacation and told me literally the night after repeating how he wouldn’t be ready till he was like 53 to get married he told me how for her he was super ready and would date her if she lived close by lmao that was like a wake up call and i kinda started distancing myself.

im not the jealous type or anything if he found better he can have it and everything right like if he’s happy i won’t sit here and be bitter (and i wasnt!) BUT in that short time of a month he introduced her to his friends and they’ve facetimed and everything but i don’t even know who his friends are and we have only ever talked on text also to me he always said he didn’t want a gf cause he doesn’t talk to people everyday and he’d feel bad for ignoring his gf but i KNOWWW he’s texting her everyday lmao… 😐

sooooooooo THEN she said she needed space from him and he texted me immediately how he wanted someone who wanted him unconditionally and how it didn’t matter if they broke up …. which told me he doesn’t care about losing me …. so then lmao…… i said “i hope it works out with ur other friend” and he said he’s not that into it anymore so … yeah… now he’s texting me …. and we don’t talk anymore but if he doesn’t start a convo there will not be one because i don’t wanna be around someone who isn’t scared to lose me lol.

BUT I FEEL BAD NOT BEING RESPONSIVE ANNDD I miss talking to him lolll. idk. idk what to do.

like i wish he was just straight up from the beginning and told me NO!!! instead of stringing me along 😐 it would’ve been easier to deal with this lol. and it’s harddddd being just a friend cause i legitimately have the biggest crush on him lol. but going no contact is helping me get over it. plus his lack of effort is also helping me get over it but STILLL IDK WHAT TO DO!!! help.

23 replies

If you really like him said this to him


lol he knows


If he is saying no , then you should focus on yourself and talk to other people as well


yeah i defs started to focus more on me ever since last month lol but he keeps texting me and i don’t really talk to guys he’s the one guy i actually liked after a long time lol so i put effort but it was never reciprocated but yeah idk it’s hard but ima have to leave this alone


Yeah it is very difficult to have only one sided feelings


Try to divert your focus


Woah …its quite a story and i do feel how he feels also … He obviously doesn’t want you as a gf or something serious but obviously he likes talking and sharing things to you …but ig if you really like him 😂 then distance yourself from him … Otherwise you’ll get a hell lot of pain afterwords …i have plenty experience in this … believe me 😂😌😌


yeah lmaoo i am distancing :/ but it’s harddd lollll makes me feel unworthy ngl even tho i KNOWWW i’m worthy … jus the way he treats me sucks lol


Atleast his motivation is clear lmao 😂😂… I’ve seen people not being clear and cling along other people with them …which sucks even more 😂


look he did tho for months cause instead of jus flat out saying no and rejecting me he said he wasn’t ready cause mental health issues 😐 but he COULDVE JUST SAID NO!!!


He might be looking onto other options and people to find someone he really vibed with …maybe … And obviously if he was really into you …it won’t take much time for him to confess you that


Best advise would be to install bumble again …there are plenty men out there 😂😂🔆🔆


lol yeah but if he didn’t want anything serious with me he should’ve left me alone from the beginning cause now i have a one sided crush!!! & i stayed away from having a crush on anyone for like 6 years LOLL and then i met him


yah but i’m going back to being anti men lmao life was more peaceful that way ngl

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umm… constant flirting … constantly showing interest … opening up and telling me personal things …. and over all giving me all the green signs.


Ya lol…its always the best to be that way 😂😂… When i meet a girl and she doesn’t reciprocate …I start bashing girls for next few months lol


nah i’m not bashing i’ve always been careful around guys but i met him when i was in a terrible place mentally lmfao and broke all my rules


I feel he was really giving yoh green signs but obviously he wasn’t sure …anyways forget him …move onn 😂😂😂

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you’re rude and condescending as FUCK get off my post.


With guys there are two categories.
1) guy who has 10 girls lurking around all day and he seeks casual pleasure or someone really on next level for relationship

2)guys who keep helping gals who don’t even look back at them 😂


Now i know why he left you 😂😂🤣


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