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So i liked a guy back in 2014 and i confessed my feelings for him around 2017
So we started dating from 2018
Now he was at that time a student of law then came covid

And seriously I’m happy coz I get to know what kind of person he really is

He was so pessimistic and always doubting my words or actions even now and then he would start having anxiety , whenever this happen he would say what ever comes in this brain
Some of them were toxic like -

he would Continuesly ask me why I love him and for once or twice I would say t answer him bt when his constantly goes on and he stated doubting me
Even when I’m just talking with smone else
I I stater going out with my 4nds (female) he would call me once to know my location (even when I had already told him)where I was
And doubting and all
When my family was going through covid
He acted quite immaturity and
I was already at the edge so I broke up withhim

As I loved him so I gave him a chance in 2022 bt after spending few months with him I realized he hasn’t chged a bit

He also confessed he stated talking with me coz he wanted to impress my best4nd he had a crush on her however after 1 yr of dating he stated loving me

He we then went into an argument and he was same as always cunning he would never understand what ’ no’ means for a woman like he would ask then only

Why not
Tell me

It’s so exhaustinga pathological lier and always doubtful

Seriously I just want to free

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shantanu_
16 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Oh sad to hear that .




Brkup with him
On the process of healing
So no need to be sad about it


Yarr just leave him, it feels you are been in this toxic relationship for so long but now put an end to this ,because how much more time you’ll spend with him it will affect ur mental health and can see that he is not gonna change so decide soon what u want to do with him .


Yes true I broke up with him this yr june
Gonna chg my no. And all
It’s just I feel like I was manipulate in such a way tht he made me feel everyone will backstab us so I should always listen to him

And his reverse psychology

So I was just feeling low like what I have gotten into


Its okay yar , slowly everything will be normal ,be strong

This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Brk up are not always easy
Most of time it’s nasty mess
(Broke up with him thought -june month)


What I think is that he is a over thinker and possessive as well. When person behaves this way it means that its not love its affection they have. There is difference between them. He want you do thing according to him and in love you let do what the person wants. If that makes you happier then my friend you really love person sometimes this law can be exceptional. N it’s my perspective. You will be fine just talk to people


N I’m always up for talks


Thank you for ur fine words
And u are right he is actually a overthinker
We had a lot of argument bcoz of this

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shantanu_

shantanu @shantanu_

Arguments are necessary in a relationship that’s make it strong and it shouldn’t be toxic. Give your self a chance and love your self. You will enjoy life like anything.

Asif @asif0789

Buddy it’s your personal life whatever happened to you it’s only you two who knows the best but i have only one point,
People who care about you think of you whome you are going with or sitting with that’s all i have to say.
But good for you if you are happy now.🤗


Yes I’m happy now


Do you still feel for him


I despise him
And hate myself for dating this kind of guy who liked my 4nd

And serious hate him for all this manipulative games

I hope this gave u an idea about ur Q


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