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So I have this problem that whenever I am in a relationship it only works for a month I feel like I am fully into that guy but I just feel afraid that they will leave me first or that person feels like I am not interested in him or in the relationship because of my poor efforts. I do try to put efforts but in the end they seem worthless and it ends up in break up. P.S. I have a really strict family so I actually never went out on a date and I couldn’t call much I can’t even call my friends much because sometimes they listen to my conversation or ask me what I am talking about. So I decided to be in a relationship when I am in college but no change I recently broke up with my bf because he thought that I never cared much about him and his efforts and I feel like he thinks that they are all excuses.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @knowshowitfeelslike
7 replies

I think you should speak up yourself if you interaction with friends is restricted. How can Relationships work something you need to manage with your freedom and look forward to work on your relationship saying you might have restrictions but less contact is not because you are not interested but because of your family is strict.
I believe you’re an adult old enough to make your decision


Okay thank you so much ❀️❀️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @knowshowitfeelslike

Sanjay @knowshowitfeelslik...


You should express your feelings and give him importance
Make him feel that you are also interested which you are

All boys just want some attention cause they always given less attention.
Make him feel that you also like him ,think about him and most imp. feel secure with him in any place… And also that he is you secret box .

Maybe this helps :)


I tried to express my feelings but now all he says is that he was hurt when we broke up and whenever I message him it reminds me of our relationship and feels sad so I don’t want him to be like upset because of me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @knowshowitfeelslike

Sanjay @knowshowitfeelslik...


Then ask him again that we can continue this relationship and make him feel that you will pay attention.


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