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So I have this kinda best friend who is happy with others but when with me she is alwaysss cribbing about her ex, one sided crush or new crush. And the way she speaks is just like spreading negativity.
She always had my ear, but she doesn’t apply to some stuffs I suggest and nor does do nyhting to move on…
Now a days I am sort of ignoring her… I feel bad for doing that, coz maybe she needs my help but in past 4-5 years she has never used my help, I feel she doesn’t want help to do anything about the situation
I have been reading posts on social media of helping people and understand them but with her… I don’t feel like helping, feels like she is fake or just attention seeker! God knows! Please some suggestions on my now behavior towards her

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sunny04
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sunny04

Sunny Seth @sunny04


She’s comfortable around you to speak up, don’t just throw out her sentiments that easy. She needs the attention she’s seeking. A friend passed away and nobody heard him while he wanted to be heard and understood. Trust me, you don’t have to live with such guilt. Give her a hug, even if she’s actually craving just sympathy and attention… Choose to be the kinder one. Have a heart in the world where hearts are broken for nothing.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sunny04

Sunny Seth @sunny04


And no, I did not meant to offend you if you have been offended, apologies in advance just in case. πŸ™‚


Thank youu! Maybe you’re right. I can be the kinder one and just lend a ear! Not give suggestions if not asked but a person she can trust.
Really thank you.


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