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so, i have no friends atm only a boyfriend so needed someone to talk to about things, i’ve been going through something quite weird and confusing w my boyfriend and i just feel like i’ve turned into a person i never wanted to be, i’m just constantly thinking what if he’s thought about breaking up before, what if he thinks there’s more attractive girls than me, what if he’s doing things behind my back, i just feel like i constantly have to ask him questions so that i have reassurance but that just makes me feel controlling, just needed someone to talk to so any reply would help

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lowkeykk
9 replies
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why do you wanna doubt him? was there any incidents in past or did he cheat you?
if nothing wrong with him may be you should stop doubting him and spend more tie with him so that youll get a clear idea of whats with him.


something happened not long ago where he’d been sending people money for 5 months which was apparently an addiction and i only found out when someone messaged me on instagram to let me know so now i just have a million questions going round in my head all day every day because i have no clue what his intentions are anymore


you had a proof and you know he done such why you didnt question him straight away? thats where you done a mistake,when you speak to him only then you know what the intentions are ,or what the reality is?


i did question him straight away i have for weeks i just feel controlling that’s the problem


Don’t feel such, you can communicate you doing nothing wrong, don’t let words and actions cross limit make it smooth to both of you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @lowkeykk

That’s overthinking my friend ,the first rule in a relationship is to have trust in each other ik you sometimes can’t trust this cruel world so if he’s doing wrong just don’t bash on him you might don’t know the situation he was in , get the other side of story. Having reassurance Dosen’t make you controlling but repeatedly asking for it will seem as you have trust issues so wait and if you trust him and if he breaks your trust it’s his fault not yours. If I’m wrong do point out but for me this is how it works


thankyou so so much for the advice i rly appreciate it


Girl, you gotta have friends. Don’t make your boyfriend your whole universe or whatever. You gotta live outside of your relationship. You gotta learn to make friends and do other stuff. Don’t be so paranoid too, I tell you it will only create misunderstanding.


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