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Long Distance RelationshipThought


So I have been talking to a buy for like almost 3 months and things between us became a bit intimate and personal. At first I wanted to be just friends but he was persistent and very pushy so I kinda went with his flow and I started to catch feelings. The last month of us talking was very confusing for me. He started distancing himself and when I confronted him about it he was like “I do that with most people that I like”. In the end he was barely answering my messages under the excuse that he had to work on his dissertation but at the same time he was like " I like you so much" and the other bs like “send me pics of yourself cus I miss you”…
Eventually I asked him if he wanted to escape this area of “more than friends and less than lovers” and he was like “I like you but let’s be just friends”. I have realised(too late unfortunately) that he basically used me for my body and had no true feelings at sake. I told him that is better for us to stop talking and he respected my decision kinda. After two months of us not talking he was like " I care about you and I want to be your friend" and even tho I told him that the idea of even us talking doesn’t sit right with me he still talks about what HE wants and how HE feels.
Honestly idk what should I do
Ps:sorry for my English
(This is very brief so who wants more details can ask)

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