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So I have been single for an year now. Almost. And lately been talking to a guy who is nothing like I have been wanting my partner to be like. But I get massive butterflies while talking to him, or when I am not talking to him. He is a chill person I am very emotional. I don’t know if I have feelings for him. I mean he is nothing like the kind of people I like. Ugh. It’s kinda complicated. Help.

7 replies

Being an emotional person myself
I’ll suggest don’t get attached cos the problem starts right there from feeling butterflies to getting hurt.
Keep things very casual.
If you enjoy talking to him you can continue just don’t get invested.
In the end the emotional attached person gets hurt , the chill one fun loving one moves on easily.


Casual kaise karte hai yar.


What do you want in yr partner that he hasn’t ?


He is nothing like I want my partner to be I guess. Very different like how I imagined


I meant very different from my imagination.


Exactly My life story…


Butterflies die.
Please don’t choose someone for butterflies.
The right person gives you calmness and peace within, not butterflies, adrenaline and confusion.

Think wisely, bye.


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