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So I have been feeing energy-drained these days. It’s like my brothers don’t live here. Even I wanted to go out somewhere but somehow my dad has a problem with that. I got admission in such a great college but he didn’t let me go there. Told me it was too costly. Whereas one of my brothers when he got admission to one college which is even more expensive he didn’t say anything. Got me admitted in a nearby college. And trust me I have stopped thinking about all this but I can’t deal with this anymore. I am the only one who is living here now with my parents and idk I love them but there are times I just wanna run away. I can’t do anything on my own. Even when my exams were going on they asked me to work all the time. I never complain. My dad compares me to my brothers, there are times when we are out somewhere and he just talks about my brothers not me. Doesn’t even care to mention me. Not that I am jealous of them but I want to be seen too. And idk I feel guilty for thinking all this stuff. I know they need to be taken care of they have that for me all my life but I can’t do it anymore. Idk what to do.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
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Thankyou so much

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

If you have got admission in decent college, go for it…take responsibility of your life…do part time job if possible to earna living…I am sure you will do well. Speak to your father candidly…could be that he is being protective…good luck and my wishes that you are blessed always


I really hope things get better with time. And yes he is way too protect. I get it.


Hey!! You are the best in all the way. Trust me. Whatever you are doing or wherever you are, you will be a shining star. I believe in you. Make your parents proud.


Thankyou so much internet stranger🫂you’re amazing and you’ve actually made my day🫂you’re so sweet🥰


I know someone who is exactly the same as you, He has two brothers both are studying away and he is living with parents, studying in a nearby college. I just wanted to let you and him know that you are special and loved. Stay strong,💪😊


I just wish things get better. Me being a girl, I am PMSing rn and it gets out of hand. The mood swings are real. And I just cry all day because I am so frustrated.


Agree mood swings are real bitch😄😄.


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