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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

So I have been crushing on this guy for almost 3 years now ,2 years ago I heard he got a girlfriend far much younger than him we lost contact with each other mainly because I was hurt by this and he never knew I had a crush on him…
Last year he broke up with his girlfriend and he had a series of depression ,self hurt and suicidal thoughts I was more like a shoulder to cry on for about 8 months (not a rebound) we got closer to each other and our bond got stronger recently I went through a hearbreak and a series of anxiety and depression and when I told him about it over text he said we should go out to take my mind off of things we planned to get lunch and just talk (and its been highly requested by him many times) So the day finally came and I got stood up…
He hasnt returned any of myt exts or calls
He made matters worse

9 replies

I didn’t understand which day came up like ?


The day of the meet up


Just talk to him like nothing happened. And its chill. More you put pressure on why. Worse it will get. Just talk as a friend. And let him loosen up as to why. You have to be understanding here. Its not easy but i think you can do it.


Ill try and be understanding thank you!


you know him for quite some time now it seems… why do you think he would do something like that? that too last minute, without any prior change in his behaviour? do you think you might have made him uncomfortable with something you told or said to him over text?


I dont’ think so with us it gas always been jokes and us talking about our days


As you have mentioned earlier, he had faced a lot of pain due to his previous relationship.
So let’s have some guess why he didn’t show up -
1. It could be he got busy or issues to take care of on that day, like really important.
2. He might have had stress that maybe he is doing the same thing again and that you might cause him pain and all ( just a thought) or it could be like he doesn’t want to take things between both of you to the next level . So he decided not to come.
3. He might have experienced some kind of accident ( I hope thats, not the case)

More likely it’s the second one or the 1st … But if it’s 2nd one, then as he is feeling guilty that’s why he didn’t want to talk to you …
So just give me some time. If possible, text him again or call him . U can enquire about him through his friends and all … But it better to wait. And I’m sure He will text you.


I hope he does its been almost 3 weeks…
Thank you!


I have been ghosted by some one for like 2 months . Just relax , if he cares about you them he will reach out to you❤


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