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3am ThoughtsThought


So I have a question for this generation like why they wanna run away from their parents ?
Like I understand for personal space and ? If you think they are toxic then first look at your behaviour and actions… You think they are playing with your mental health and yes some purposely do that…
But try to look yourself from their pov too (in a +ve and -ve way)
I just saw in this Covid-19 situation how worse this gen can be… 🙃
Pareshan wo bhi hai tumse, wo jhel rahe hai tumhe… Tum nahi… but running away from them will not lead you anything

2 replies

Everyone has their reasons.some are valid where some are not.Not every family is same. Evryone is raised in different environment.The question you raised has Many aspect to it. Parents don’t wanna hurt their kids. They always wish best for them.There’s a big generation gap so things also can happen because of that.But sometime some parents are not good parents too. Parents are human too and they can be bad too. Parents could be real toxic too. Family can be toxic too. They can fuck up their child life too.


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