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So, i had my sisters wedding. I was busy for a week or so. I randomly called my gf to check on her. She was on her way to gym and so i asked her which gym and with whom are u going. she started shouting like why are u questioning me. Why so introspective and i am like what its just a casual question. Which gym, there are all types of gyms so i asked and then she says akele hi jaugi na … and i am like dude u used to go with bhabi and all thats why i asked . If asking this little is introspective. I am sorry dude, i cant imagine to live with you. Since we were talking about marriage . I expected her to call back realize her mistake but she didnt and its the 5th day now!
Also, my dad he is so moody , will talk when he wants to and wont talk rest of the time . He doesnt talk with a straight face . Its just that i get up at 10:30 instead of 7 or 8 like he demands.
I am sorry i have my own life to lead . I am 25 now !

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kenadamstribbiani
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ali_en
4 replies

Hey luv, its okay to ask casual questions like this. If you feel like its toxic for yourself then its must your decision either to continue or end this relationship. But above all, parents are gonna be parents and they will stick by your side no matter what even if it takes a while for them to understand your feelings and views. They can’t lose you and loves you most and since they are parents they never see us actually grown up but kids. Maintaining a good relationship with family is most important ❤️but priority is yourself. Release yourself from all cages and be free but don’t be a rebel without a cause!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kenadamstribbiani

Akshay Jaìn @kenadamstribb...

Hi, I’m not 25, but I’m 17. My dad is pretty much moody too. And I think that what they demand is, about getting early, shouldn’t be such a task for us. At my age, I often sleep late after midnight, and now it’s like my routine, to sleep at 1:00, and by sleep I mean to bed. I would just overthink stuff and fall asleep after an hour or too. With that schedule, it is quite difficult for me to wake up early. I’m in that ongoing process, and now I wake up at 8:00. I know, but that’s much better from waking up after 10 or 12. What makes me wake up is the fact that my mom is a teacher, and since she is a housewife too, she would wake up at 4:00 and get ready and prepares the food for the day and not just any food, but proper food with varients everyday. And leaves for school by 7:00. And by that time, I’m probably dreaming. Yeah, the guilt trip is the worst thing, that I just sleep and do nothing whilst she is a working woman and managing everything pretty cool-ly! I’m sure you must have something too to grab on, and just stick to that thing. And think of your parents as how hardworking they are, and not in an ill-manner. Am guessing you’re pretty bored reading all this, but… I just love my parents. And you should too.

To a very good day, ahead of you.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kenadamstribbiani

Akshay Jaìn @kenadamstribb...

Btw I’m not that grown up to talk about relationship, but the dad thing is one I’ve dealt, so…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ali_en

علي عباس @ali_en

Women… ☕ I feel it gets usual for men to be in toxic relationships, feel the pain and agony… But not let go the relationships because it seems impossible… But nobody can even assume how this affects his mental health…
I can relate myself to this…


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