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So I got my grades last Saturday and I only have one failing grade but my Mom already calls me a disappointment

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ishtheticc
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ishtheticc

Ishita @ishtheticc

Hey bud first of all. I wanna really let you know that you did your level best and managed to pass I the rest of your subjects and u just got a failing grade in one of them and it’s not the end of the world,ukw what your mother thinks about you is irrelevant as she doesn’t know you the way u know yourself she just sees h scored low and gives you a lecture and call us out and never try to talk about it.They think calling us out will motivate us to do shit but actually it’s the right opposite it degrades our mentally and physically.Our guilt conscious is activated and we start thinking we are really a disappointment and that’s just the start of having a low self esteem and questioning our self worth.You know yourself the best so only your opinions about yourself matter not your mothers,friends and the society.Whatever reason may have led to you not getting a passing grade just reflect on it and try your level best to get one the next time and it’s not the end of world.Cheer up and treat yourself with kindness and ignore your mother’s harsh comments.Have a great day and I’m proud of you.


I am sorry that you have to go though this . We all want perfection in everything and all the time and expectations of parents and teachers can be a very big burden . If possible seek therapy with you mother and also try and having a conversation with her that a pandemic hit us last year and we all are still struggling and there will be slips here and there in life and you are trying to give your best and in future you will try harder but your worth isint determined by the grades that you get


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